<%= @mailbox.name %> (<%= @mailbox.unread_count %>)

<%= link_to '🛈'.html_safe, details_mailbox_path(@mailbox), class: "button", data: { action: 'click->remote-content#load'} %>

<% if @emails.any? %>

<%= link_to 'Mark all as read', mark_all_as_read_mailbox_path(@mailbox), class: 'button button--primary', method: :post, 'data-confirm': 'Are you sure you want to mark all emails as read?' %> <%= link_to 'Clear mailbox', clear_mailbox_mailbox_path(@mailbox), class: 'button button--danger', method: :post, 'data-confirm': 'Are you sure you want to delete all emails?' %>

<% end %>
<% if @emails.any? %>
From To Subject Received At
<% @emails.each do |email| %> <%= render(EmailListEntryComponent.new(email: email)) %> <% end %> <% else %>


You don't have any emails yet.

Use this api token to send emails with sendgrid

<% end %>